Salt Store

> Areas of Business > Tertiary Industry > Salt Store

Slow City Taepyung Salt Farm / Salt Store

Salt Store for Premium Mudflat Natural Sea Salt

The quality of the tidal flats is what decides the quality of the Natural Sea Salt! This is where a variety of products including the mineral-rich Natural Sea Salt of the world’s finest quality produced by the sweat and passion of the sale makers in the Taepyung Salt Farm in the world’s best tidal flats that have achieved the Ecological Grand Slam, Glasswort Salt, beauty products are on full display and for sale.

Tidal flat Natural Sea Salt produced entirely in Taepyung Salt Farm, Korea

Various glasswort and Natural Sea Salt processed foods

It is a Salt Store dedicated to the sale of the Natural Sea Salt, a gem on the dining table, and other salt products based on it.

A variety of glasswort products made from organic glasswort grown in Taepyung Salt Farm, a Biosphere Reserve area, are available here.

Operating hours AM 09:00 ~ PM18:00
Contact 061)261-2211