Corporate Research Center

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Salt research company for our family’s health recipe

We constantly study salt in cooperation with the Institute of Life Science to disseminate the excellence of the Korean Natural Sea Salt.

In a rapidly changing world, our food is becoming increasingly diverse, and consumers’ appetites are changing accordingly. We live in a day and age where there is a ton of foods to eat here and overseas, and even the salt is imported from other countries, especially China. In this environment, Taepyung Salt Research has developed various salt related products based on the belief of nature, people, and health, striving to improve the quality of the Korean Natural Sea Salt, accounting for only 0.1% of the entire salt in the world.

Taepyung Salt Farm has undertaken a variety of research and development activities regarding salt to develop various kinds of salts including cooking salt, natural sea salt, high concentration mineral salt, and mineral Natural Sea Salt with the effect of suppressing blood pressure rise. Moreover, we obtained a number of patents to make contributions to the production of healthy salt catering to the consumers’ needs. We constantly perform research activities on the Natural Sea Salt in concert with the Institute of Life Science under Mokpo National University, which is the nation’s leading salt-related research institute, and strive to disseminate the excellence of the Korean Natural Sea Salt across overseas markets.

01. Develop various products through continuous research activities

We work closely with the Institute of Life Science under Mokpo National University for the Natural Sea Salt research activities, committing to the development of salt-related products.

02. Corporate Research Center

Taepyung Salt Farm operates our internal research center for analyzing products and developing new products.

03. Acquisition of various patents and commercialization

Taepyung Salt Farm is consistent in developing quality products by acquiring various patents based on technical know-how and commercializing the related products.